Dear, nicono136!
Sorry, i dont understnd your question.
Please elaborate on the question.
Добавлено :-) Breaking news! :-)
Dear Satellite Dx amateurs!
Available the first public R.A.M.F "SR-525HD Diagnostic", to the GoldMaster SR-525 HD!
Project link:
GitHub - Csnyi/RAMFstbDiagnostic: Continuous SNR report of a satellite transponder with SR-525HD. Use main branch!(The software can be downloaded from the project page. Click on the green " < > Code" button and select "Download ZIP" from the drop-down list.)
How use software in the browser?
1. If downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and load "unpacked extesion" in to browser, or
2. If downloaded this software, unpack to an any folder, and clilck the "index.html" button. The browser load to the WebAPI software.
We wish you successful tests and fruitful work using the software!
We welcome all comments, and feedback on the project page.
Best regards:
Csnyi, and SaTom